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◈ Method Statement For Sheet Piling Works In Bangladesh

In the realm of construction, sheet piling plays a crucial role in providing structural stability, especially in areas with challenging soil conditions or those prone to waterlogging. In Bangladesh, a country characterized by a diverse range of geotechnical challenges, companies like **N. Hasnat Infrastructure** have emerged as pioneers in sheet piling construction. This article will outline a comprehensive method statement for sheet piling works in Bangladesh, highlighting the expertise and excellence of N. Hasnat Infrastructure.

Sheet piling is a construction technique that involves driving sheets of various materials, typically steel or concrete, into the ground to form a retaining wall or support structure. This method is particularly vital in Bangladesh, where low-lying areas and soft soil conditions are prevalent. N. Hasnat Infrastructure, with its experience and state-of-the-art equipment, stands as a leader in addressing these challenges.

Scope of Work

1. Site Assessment and Preparation

Before commencing sheet piling works, a thorough site assessment is imperative. N. Hasnat Infrastructure conducts a comprehensive analysis of the soil conditions, groundwater levels, and surrounding structures to determine the most suitable sheet piling method.

A.  Soil Investigation

A geotechnical investigation is carried out to understand the soil properties. This includes soil boring, sampling, and laboratory testing to ascertain the appropriate sheet piling material and depth required.

B.  Groundwater Analysis

Given Bangladesh's susceptibility to monsoons, an analysis of groundwater levels is crucial. N. Hasnat Infrastructure installs monitoring wells and pumps, if necessary, to manage groundwater during construction.

2. Design and Material Selection

Once the site assessment is complete, the company's engineering team designs the sheet piling system. This includes selecting the type and thickness of sheet piles, calculating driving forces, and ensuring compliance with local building codes and regulations.

3. Mobilization of Resources

N. Hasnat Infrastructure procures the necessary equipment, which may include pile drivers, cranes, and excavation machinery, and ensures that they are in optimal working condition.

Sheet Piling Process

1. Sheet Pile Installation

The actual sheet piling process involves several critical steps:

A.  Pre-Installation Checks

Safety Measures: Safety is paramount. Adequate safety barriers and signs are placed around the construction site.

Alignment and Layout: Accurate alignment of the sheet piles is crucial. N. Hasnat Infrastructure uses laser-guided equipment for precision.

b.  Sheet Pile Driving

Pile Driving: Hydraulic or diesel hammers are used to drive the sheet piles into the ground systematically.

Monitoring: Monitoring equipment is employed to measure the pile's penetration depth and alignment.

c.  Interlocking and Bracing

- Sheet piles are interlocked to form a continuous wall.

- Bracing and anchoring systems are installed to maintain stability during construction.

2. Quality Control and Inspection

N. Hasnat Infrastructure conducts regular inspections during sheet piling works to ensure that the installation adheres to design specifications and safety standards.

3. Dewatering

In areas with high groundwater levels, dewatering pumps are utilized to maintain a dry work environment.

4. Backfilling and Grouting

Once the sheet piles are in place, backfilling with suitable materials is carried out to provide additional support. Grouting may be used to seal gaps and enhance the integrity of the wall.


In Bangladesh, where the terrain and soil conditions can be challenging, N. Hasnat Infrastructure emerges as a trailblazer in sheet piling construction. Their method statement for sheet piling works exemplifies their commitment to safety, precision, and quality. With a strong emphasis on site assessment, engineering design, and meticulous execution, N. Hasnat Infrastructure has earned its reputation as the best sheet piling construction company in Bangladesh. 

Sheet piling is a crucial aspect of construction in Bangladesh, and N. Hasnat Infrastructure has proven time and again that they are the go-to experts for these challenging endeavors.


Flat- B3, House-30/5, Block-F, Babar Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka- 1207, Bangladesh.


+88 01309015036
